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Monthly Archives: December 2012

Child of Mercy is out in print!

Things have been crazy busy for the past few months, but I’m thankful to report the hard work is paying off. Child of Mercy is currently sitting at number 18 on the Hot New Releases list in paranormal fantasy for Kindle at Amazon.com! It’s available in print now as well through Amazon here (just in case you’re looking for a nifty last minute present to slip under the tree). I admit, I buy most of my books for the Nook or download them to my computer these days, but there’s still something to be said for having a physical book in your hands every now and again. Plus, they’re so pretty to look at on my shelf!

Silent Night, Busy Night!

Hey, everybody. Sorry I’ve been radio silent for so long, life has been getting away from me lately. In addition to the craziness at work, we’re going through a remodel at home and it’s been a little crazy here too. Luckily, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Between holidays and PTO, I have only eleven days left of work! Eleven!!! By the end of the year we’ll have our house back to ourselves with much anticipated improvements and I’ll be writing full-time! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be able to focus on my writing and family! I might even try to remember what some of my other hobbies are again.

I’ve been taking my down time from writing and putting it to good use by going back to re-edit my Mercy books for grammar and continuity with everything I’ve learned from my editing team. I’m thinking of putting together a boxed set of them next year, maybe with some character interviews and deleted scenes I’ve posted here before.

I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to getting back to Anja and Bishop for the next book in my Forged Bloodlines vampire series! I already have most of the book plotted out in my head, but I love the process of nailing down the outline and fleshing it out from start to finish. If you think Anja got into trouble in her home town, wait until she goes abroad after Bishop!

I hope everyone’s getting into the holiday mood! Here’s a pic of our tree with our pretty new mahogany floors. :)
