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Find Me When the Sun Goes Down is out in Print!

Just have time for a quick update. It took a while to work through the last phase of the proof reading process, but Find Me When the Sun Goes Down is finally out in print, and it’s so pretty! It’s available hereon Amazon.

The Company of Shadows is in the editing stages now, so it won’t be long until that one’s ready to go. :) I’ll have some cover art up in the next few days and hopefully a proper blurb.

Next up… Book 4 of the Forged Bloodlines series, Miss Me When the Sun Goes Down.

2 Responses to Find Me When the Sun Goes Down is out in Print!

  1. Mari says:

    I have reread books 1 and 2 preparing to read book 3. I just want to say I find the series to just be getting better and better. I love Anja, she is the reluctant hero we can all root for. I really look forward to book 4. Thank you for this very enjoyable series.

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