Category Archives: Fanfiction
My new Vampire Diaries Book is available on Amazon!
I’m very excited to be part of Amazon’s new venture, and have published my story The Vampire Diaries: Tabula Rasa through the Kindle Worlds program. This lets authors “borrow” the characters from specific shows they’ve obtained permission from and spin their own realities. The authors retain ownership of any new characters they bring to the table, but we can build on each other’s worlds and the show could even decide to use our ideas if they like it enough.
I’m giving it a shot to see how it pans out, mostly to try and reach new readers, and also just because I love, love, love writing Damon in The Vampire Diaries. It’s a fun change to play in their world every now and again instead of my own, and with Tabula Rasa in particular, I had a lot of fun winking at established canon through my own eyes since it’s an amnesia story, the name inspired by one of my favorite episodes of Buffy.
Here is the blurb:
Tabula Rasa means blank slate, hence a perfect name for a fic about amnesia. The premise is this: Elena, Katherine, Caroline, Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, & Mason all wake to find themselves trapped in an abandoned warehouse with complete amnesia. Stripped of their past histories and all the baggage that comes with it, how will they interact with each other? Who can be trusted? And who has betrayal in their heart? Will we end up with canon pairings? Or will other true feelings be revealed? This story takes place after episode 2.5 Kill or be Killed, going completely AU after that.
Endings and Beginnings
I was going to post about finishing Nine Steps to Sara when it struck me, it’s not really an ending; it’s a beginning. Sure, I’m done laboring over it, but it’s really the beginning of the book’s life now that it’ll be available for public consumption in the next few days. Huh.
Okay, wasn’t meaning to get all philosophical on you guys, really just reporting that I’m days away from publishing Nine Steps to Sara and starting in on the sequel to Wake Me, Meet Me When the Sun Goes Down. I’ve pretty much got the plot all laid out and I can’t wait to get started!!! I had a lot of fun re-reading Wake Me and getting back into Anja’s head.
I couldn’t resist getting in a little fanfiction oneshot in there before I get started on the new book though, so I posted a Vampire Diaries Delena fic Hate to Love You. Holy crap I missed writing for those guys! It’s so tempting not to take them on another epic adventure, but I’m trying to stick to my timetable and still get another two books written this year.
Mercy for the Damned is now available online!
The third book of The Fallen series is now available for sale on
and! It’s out as an e-book for $3.99 but you don’t have to have a Kindle or Nook to read it, they have free downloadable apps so you can read it on your PC, or even your phone. It’ll be available in print as well in a couple of weeks through Amazon.
Mercy’s saga continues with Mercy for the Damned, Book III of The Fallen. When a new prophecy predicts a great evil if a fallen angel is allowed to remain in Midian, Mercy will move heaven and earth to free Adam from his deal with Raum. The trouble is, it’s far easier to get into Midian than it is to get out, and Adam is perfectly happy to serve out the remainder of his sentence if it keeps Mercy safe from harm. Throw in some pressure from the police who suspect Sam and Mercy of eliminating Ben, and the race is on to rescue both of them before it’s too late.
In celebration of the release, I’m running a $.99 promo for the first book in the series Angel of Mercy. What else can you buy for a dollar? You can find it on Kindle or Nook.
Now I get to enjoy a four day weekend before getting back to my Push fanfic and then I’ll start working on finishing my outline for Let Sleeping Ghosts Lie, a paranormal/ghost thriller.
March Resolutions
I’ve safely made it through the first two months, and I’m proud to say, I haven’t broken yet! January was exercise 5 days a week and I’m still doing it without missing a week. February was giving up fried foods and I’m still on track there too. Mostly because I ate way too many sweets in anticipation of… March, where I’m giving up all baked desserts. No more cookies, cakes, pies, donuts… I’m starting to depress myself! I can still have chocolate and ice cream tho, and that’s how I’ll celebrate the upcoming birthday madness around the house.
In other news, I’m close to releasing Mercy for the Damned, it’s in the last half of edits then off to proofreading. So, hopefully that’ll be out in the next couple of weeks. I’m hoping to finish my Push fanfic before I start on my next book Let Sleeping Ghosts Lie too so I don’t stretch myself too thin. Balance… must learn balance…
In other, other news… okay this isn’t really news but I am so ready for spring to get here! It’s been in the 30′s this week with the car icing over every night. That’s crazy! I can’t wait for a little warmer weather so I can put my heavy winter coat away. What about you guys? What’s your favorite season?
Goodbye Gray Skies, Now What?
I’ve finally wrapped up my True Blood fanfic Gray Skies Are Gonna Clear Up after 4o chapters and as always, I find myself looking around asking, now what? The short answer is writing, duh, but writing what? I’ve just started another TVD fic Dark Side of the Moon and I’m having a good time playing with Damon and company after a too long hiatus, but I do find that I like flipping back and forth between fics, it helps keep me sharp. I really enjoyed coming up with a tie in for Eric and Rob (original character) and I’m considering a spin off for them that’s either in the past or the future, but I haven’t quite decided what I might do there yet.
I could always start another book, I’ve got another stand alone novel idea all prepped and ready to go. Okay so it’s not fully mapped out, but I have the basic premise in mind. Or I could do a sequel to one of my other four books, each of them can definitely work as part of a series, especially Angel of Mercy which ends on a definite cliffhanger. I am enjoying the lazy pace of posting to fanfic though, I am addicted to the instant feedback for one (hey, it’s been an hour since my last update, where are my reviews?!) and I love, love, love writing Damon, he’s gotta be the most fun to write for, hands down.
I do intend to get back to finishing the Vampire Diaries recaps too, it bothers me that I didn’t finish them, even though everyone’s probably seen them by now. I’ll tackle the next one this weekend, I’ve got them all on Tivo. We’ve also got some private ventures going on, working on setting up an online store of all kinds of interesting, eclectic gifts and that’s taking up some of my time too and on top of that some home remodeling stuff we’ve been putting off for far too long. So… just a little to keep me busy these days.
1st Draft is Done!!!
Okay apart from missing chapter 9 (I can’t wrap my head around whether or not to include it or skip it!). Right now it’s about 77,000 words, and there are some bits I know I need to flesh out more so I should hit 80K easy even without the chapter 9 if I decide to leave it out. So, now it’s revision time, but some of the pressure is off so that will hopefully leave me some more time for fun writing as I’ve been really behind on my True Blood fanfic (it’s been about 2.5 weeks since I updated, I think that’s a new record for me) and I am dying to start another Vampire Diaries fanfic (I seriously have about 6 different ideas spinning around in my head). Only when I was taking a shower today inspiration hit for another book idea… so we’ll see what happens.
Work has been crazy busy lately and all of my writing has taken a hit because of it as I’ve been more braindead when I get home and less productive, but it’s a huge weight off to have the 1st draft done of The Touch and find that it came out alright.
Vacation is coming up all next week and we’ll see if I end up taking a vacation from writing too or if I let myself do some fun writing as relaxation… we’ll see. I just got the new Sookie Stackhouse book to read too so I’m looking forward to delving into that.
Sorry I haven’t updated the Vampire Diaries recap but I just haven’t had the time and based on web traffic I’m not convinced too many people were really following it anyway, so it became lower on the priority list of what to work on. I’ve got all the eps on Tivo, so if I get the time I could still write them out, but right now I’m not making any promises.
Well off to start the first of many rewrites before Justified is on tonight! 10pm on FX, don’t forget to watch!