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Category Archives: Angel of Mercy

Back on Track!

I know I’ve been a little radio silent lately apart from announcing books coming out. For those of you who’ve followed me for a while, you know that in addition to putting out 4-5 books per year, I also work 40 hours a week at a full time job. I try not to talk about my job here (this is a happy place), otherwise this blog would be peppered with a lot of negativity. Suffice to say, it’s been kicking my ass more than usual lately. I knew this was coming, so I scheduled myself a break between books for the month of September. Even though I’m chomping at the bit to get the next Mercy book started, I can’t manage cramming anything extra in right now between work, family and the renovations we’re doing at home (don’t get me started on the condition of my bathroom right now). The good news is, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I haven’t started writing, but I’ve got the content for Child of Mercy pretty well outlined, so I can hit the ground running when I do start it. Even more importantly, I’m starting to see a point in the future when I can chuck this job and retire to write full time. This is both scary and exciting to contemplate, and hopefully the dream becomes a reality before I implode from stress.

You might have also noticed I’ve stopped posting about my resolutions lately. I’d given up a new thing each month and started exercising 5 days a week. Things chugged along pretty well for half the year and then in June I ran into a brick wall. After a little family tragedy, I pretty much jumped off the wagon and didn’t look back until well into July. Looking back at the first half of the year, the things I gave up and added exercise looked good on paper, but hadn’t translated into any real weight loss for me. I did feel more active from the exercise, but there were clearly more things I needed to be doing than giving up just one thing per month. So, I declared a reboot in August and now I’m back on track. Instead of giving up single things, I’ve gone back to the old proven method of tracking my intake and exercising more. So far it’s working better, I’ve lost about 11 pounds and my energy is much better.

BTW, do you guys like the “between the scenes” interviews I used to post? I didn’t get much feedback, so I stopped doing them. But I recently had a good comment requesting more, so I thought I’d put it out there. Are you interested in seeing “interviews” with characters from some of the books? Or is that only mildly interesting and my time might be better spent elsewhere?

What about some “deleted scenes” from Mercy for the Damned? Would you be at all interested in reading a couple of scenes that didn’t make the final cut?

Happy Anniversary to me!

Bring on the hearts and flowers! It’s been exactly one year since I took the plunge and decided to self publish Angel of Mercy instead of waiting on my literary agent who was pretty unresponsive in her efforts to try and sell Pretty Witches All in a Row. Since then I’ve published six more books, fired my agent, and couldn’t be happier with the self publishing experience! In the past year I’ve sold over 6700 books (most of that in the past three months), and I’m still learning every day what does and doesn’t work in marketing my own books. Sadly there is no magic ticket to runaway sales, but I’m still hopeful I’ll be able to support myself with my writing at some point.

Nine Steps to Sara should be available in a couple of weeks and I’ve got two other books planned for this year (sequels to Wake Me When the Sun Goes Down and the next Mercy book), so here’s to more success in the year to come!

Pretty Witches Promo

Pretty Witches All in a Row

The continuing saga of my promotional trail continues! I have to say, trying to run a free promotion on Barnes & Noble and Amazon through setting a book to free on Smashwords was a total bust. Angel of Mercyhas been available for free there for over a month, and the other two sites have not picked up the promo at all. The websites says it can take a while for it to catch up and reflect the lower price, and chatter on the net says it takes about three weeks, but it’s been well over that, and no change. So I’m figuring the only way to do the free giveaways is through KDP select and only for 5 days in a 90 day period. Still don’t have a clue how to do a free giveaway on Barnes & Noble now. The last couple of free giveaways were hella smaller than the first one, (which was tough to top at over 22,000 books given away), so I’m not convinced that’s the way to go anymore. The exclusivity that Amazon demands for 90 days makes it a tough decision.

That brings us to my upcoming paid promotion through Kindle Nation Daily. Tomorrow an email blast goes out for Pretty Witches All in a Rowthat will hopefully generate a few sales. In anticipation of that, I’ve lowered the price temporarily to $.99 to maximize the promotion, we’ll see what happens. When I did the promotion for both Angel of Mercy and The Touch I got between 30 to 40 sales the day the email blast went out, so I’m hoping Pretty Witches does well, considering it’s my best seller.

Nine Steps to Sara is coming along well, though I always lose my perspective in the middle of it. It’s only when I get to the first read through that I have any sense of whether or not it makes sense and flows well. That said, I’m on vacation, and it was hard to stay on target yesterday! I only got about 1k of writing done instead of the 2k per day minimum, but I’m okay with that. We only take a few days off like this twice a year, so it’ll be okay if the book gets finished a few days behind schedule.

In the meantime, I’m having a wonderful time on vacation, and taking lots of pics, so I’ll be posting a blog on that later on. Happy Mother’s Day to everyone out there, I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Mercy for the Damned is now available online!

The third book of The Fallen series is now available for sale on Amazon.com
and BarnesAndNoble.com! It’s out as an e-book for $3.99 but you don’t have to have a Kindle or Nook to read it, they have free downloadable apps so you can read it on your PC, or even your phone. It’ll be available in print as well in a couple of weeks through Amazon.

Mercy’s saga continues with Mercy for the Damned, Book III of The Fallen. When a new prophecy predicts a great evil if a fallen angel is allowed to remain in Midian, Mercy will move heaven and earth to free Adam from his deal with Raum. The trouble is, it’s far easier to get into Midian than it is to get out, and Adam is perfectly happy to serve out the remainder of his sentence if it keeps Mercy safe from harm. Throw in some pressure from the police who suspect Sam and Mercy of eliminating Ben, and the race is on to rescue both of them before it’s too late.

In celebration of the release, I’m running a $.99 promo for the first book in the series Angel of Mercy. What else can you buy for a dollar? You can find it on Kindle or Nook.

Now I get to enjoy a four day weekend before getting back to my Push fanfic and then I’ll start working on finishing my outline for Let Sleeping Ghosts Lie, a paranormal/ghost thriller.

Last Day for Pretty Witches All in a Row Giveaway on Amazon.com!

Pretty Witches All in a Row

The free ebook giveaway ends tonight at midnight PST. I have to say, this experience has far surpassed any hopes I had for it. As of right now I’ve given away over 16,000 in free downloads since Friday! Wow, and I mean WOW! I hoped for maybe 2,000 downloads over the weekend, so this blows those expectations out of the water.

I’ve also seen an increase in sales of other books over the weekend, and that’s exciting to see. I’ve got a free chapter of The Touch at the end of Pretty Witches, so I was hoping for some cross-promotion there, but I’ve also seen a big increase in Angel of Mercy sales as well. I’ll be blogging more on the ongoing benefits of the promo with some exact numbers in the next week or so, and how it translates to sales. I also want to try a giveaway through Smashwords to see how that compares to this free book through KDP Select. I have a paid promotion coming up in May for Pretty Witches through Kindle Nation Daily too. Hopefully through the course of the year I’ll get this promotion thing dialed in and see what nets the biggest success.

For anyone who’s missed it, you can get your free ebook copy here.

Between The Scenes With Iris – Adam

Five minutes with Adam from Angel of Mercy

Iris: Iris here, I’m talking to everybody’s favorite fallen angel Adamiel, or Adam as he goes by these days. Thanks for joining us today, I know you like to keep a low profile.

Adam: You called, I came. [He shrugs nonchalantly, reclined in the chair with lazy grace]

Iris: If only it was always that simple. Are there many fallen angels living among us? Sam shot me down on this one.

Adam: I haven’t taken role lately, but there’s a fair number of us, yeah. Most of them keep to themselves though, they’ve got notions of working off their sins or something. [A roll of the eyes is given]

Iris: But not you?

Adam: I’ve suffered plenty, believe me. If God had wanted to torture me further he would have done it. No, I believe in taking pleasure where you can.

Iris: Sounds like an enlightened way of looking at it. I gotta ask, what’s with the all in black look. Do you have a thing for Johnny Cash? Would a little bit of color hurt every now and then? [He is dressed from head to toe in black. Boots, jeans, shirt, jacket, the whole shebang]

Adam: You don’t like it? Most women do. [Those bright blue eyes flash playfully and I have no trouble believing that. In fact, it takes me a minute to remember what I'd asked him]

Iris: No, it’s a good look for you, I admit. But it sort of paints a certain picture. Are you really still the same bad boy who’s been debauching his way through the past two thousand years? Or have things changed?

Adam: I’ll just say that some things have changed, but I won’t go into detail beyond that.

Iris: Because you’re worried that admitting you have feelings for Mercy will put her in danger? [He drops a quick wink, but doesn't say anything else] Who do you think might be listening in?

Adam: You never can tell who’s paying attention. For the moment Mercy will have to get along without me.

Iris: Is that such a good idea? Aren’t there a lot of people after her? What about this prophecy I keep hearing about?
