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Category Archives: Novels

Dreamcasting for Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down

It’s time for a new dream casting post since I have a new Forged Bloodlines book out. As you know, I ALWAYS cast these suckers in my head when I’m in the process of writing, so I thought I’d share my picks for how I see the characters in my head. I’ll include Bishop, Rob and Anja as a refresher, but you can see the rest of the cast from my previous dreamcasting posts here:

Wake Me When the Sun Goes Down
Find Me When the Sun Goes Down
Miss Me When the Sun Goes Down
Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down

Anja Evans: Teresa Palmer – So I hadn’t cast a female lead as a blonde before, but since it went with the Viking ancestry link for this series, I decided to try something new. I like Teresa Palmer because she can play innocence well, but you get the feeling like she could seriously kick a little ass once she comes into her own. (see her with a shotgun in Warm Bodies)

Rob: Jason Statham – Rob is a character I borrowed from my True Blood fanfic, and I pictured him as Handsome Rob from The Italian Job at the time and the name just stuck. He looks like he could hold his own against a vampire and I just love his voice with the accent.

Bishop: Chris Evans – Before I even nailed down this character I had Chris Evans in mind, as he looks in the movie Push, which is a little rough around the edges, but definitely formidable. He’s got that ability to play tough, but with a vulnerability that makes him relatable. Plus, he’s so damn pretty to look at.

Corazon: Michelle Rodriguez – One of the few women I know who can scare the crap out of you with a single flat stare. She would be perfect to play the prickly Order member.

Amunet: Morena Baccarin – Okay, so I know she’s Brazillian born and of Italian descent (not Egyptian), but I still think she could pull off Amunet’s exotic sensuality and give Anja something to be jealous over.

Chad: Josh Hartnett – Yep, Chad makes his way back into the series though not in the way you might think. I wanted someone who could be strong and rough around the edges, but pretty underneath.

The Council:

Cordelia: Carla Gugino – because she looks so capable and strong but still sexy, it’s easy to picture her as a vampire who’s been around for a while.

Holt: Mark Strong – because he is in every movie.

Anders: Ron Glass – He just feels wise to me. Okay, so that’s probably just because of Firefly, but whatever.

Powell: Billy Burke – I first liked him as Bella’s dad and then even more in Revolution.

Durand: Michael Rosenbaum – Okay, I admit I had a total crush on Lex Luthor. Can you just see him as a powerful vampire?

After about a week of sales, Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down is currently 11 in Hot New Releases for Occult and 22 in Hot New Releases for Horror!

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #3,092 Paid in Kindle Store
#22 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Horror > Occult
#23 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Horror > Occult
#54 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Romance > Paranormal > Vampires

This places my current Amazon Author Rank at:
#55 in Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Horror

Thanks to everyone for their amazing support. I couldn’t do it without you!

Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down is out!


My new book is out! Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down is now available for sale on Amazon and Barnes and Noble! It’s out as an e-book for $3.99 but you don’t have to have a Kindle or Nook to read it, they have free downloadable apps so you can read it on your PC, or even your phone. It’ll be available in print as well in a few weeks through Amazon. I can’t wait for you all to read how Anja handles Jakob stepping forth to claim her as his as both Rob and Bishop vie for a place in her heart. Check out the website for a little taste to whet your appetite. Here is the blurb:

“I’d made my bed, now I had to lie in it and hope Jakob didn’t climb in beside me.”
Anja is saved from torture and death only to find a new kind of imprisonment at Jakob’s side. Thanks to his stifling restrictions, Anja feels more like she’s under house arrest than ever, unable to so much as share an honest conversation with Rob, let alone act on what her heart wants. Desperate to assert her control and avoid Jakob’s oppressive influence, Anja returns to the West as war erupts, forcing the Order underground and under her protection. Determined to win her love back, Bishop leaves everything behind to be by her side, making it difficult for Anja to choose who to let into her heart. But there’s a reason for Jakob’s obsession with Anja’s safety, an old enemy that frightens even the powerful Ellri himself. It’s never been a more dangerous time for those Anja loves.

Thanks to everyone who voted on the cover art and Raylene look for your free copy of the book in your email. Special thanks to Laveda Kasch who won the contest to become a character in the book, I think Laveda turned into an interesting addition to the Forged Bloodlines family.

Next up… Book 2 of The Company series: The Company of Darkness
Cady and Ethan beat the bad guy and saved the day… or did they? Ash is bound but not destroyed and Ethan’s moods have taken on a distinctly darker turn since absorbing his energy. And then there’s the Company – how much will Cady come to regret showing up on their radar?

A taste of Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down


Seeing as how Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down will likely be out by week’s end, I thought I’d give you a little taste.

He’d said he was seeing to my needs, but I could feel his need there, burning as sharply as mine. Rob pulled me closer, his hands smoothing over my body as if he needed to reassure himself I was still alive and whole. I could relate, I wanted to touch him everywhere, feel the burn of his skin against mine. His heart thumped madly, making me forget everything else but this stolen moment. At least until I wound my leg around his waist to draw him closer and my stupid knee flared in protest.

Rob let go of me at the gasp of pain that came with it, guessing what had happened from our positions. “Is it bad?” he asked, his hand landing gently above my knee.

“Bad enough that I want to get it out even if I have to grab a steak knife and do it myself,” I said, mostly joking.

“What about the rest of you? Anything lingering beyond the knee?” His thumb brushed across the scar on my cheek and I leaned into his hand, pressing a kiss to the base of his thumb.

“I should be asking you the same thing.” My eyes flew to his chest, the ridge of a scar all too present under my light touch. “When he picked up that poker…” I swallowed back a thick lump of emotion. “I was so scared, I really thought he was going to kill us all.” Here I thought I’d run out of tears, but a few more sprang to the corners of my eyes, and Rob caught one with his thumb.

“I know, I’m sorry. I should’ve gotten you out of there. I failed you.”

“It’s not your fault, you tried. I’m the one that wouldn’t let you go without taking Bishop too.”

Rob wasn’t having any of it, his face hung heavy with regret as his hands framed my cheeks. “It’s my job to keep you safe.”

“I’m safe now.”

“No thanks to me.”

I reached up to stroke his jaw, fingers trailing to feather over his lips. “Shh, we don’t have much time. I don’t know where else we can expect to be alone anymore.” The thick stone walls of the lower levels afforded us some privacy, but the instant I’d be able to hear anyone approaching, they’d be sure to hear us as well.

“Not in this bloody house, that’s for sure. As much as it pains me, you know what we have to do. You have to stop looking at me like that, or I won’t be able to do this.”

“I can’t help it. I almost lost you.”

“I told you I’d never leave you again. You calling me a liar?” The corners of his mouth twitched higher.

I didn’t want to cave, but I couldn’t resist one of his rare smiles. “You also said you’d see to my needs,” I reminded him, pulling him close to steal another kiss.

“They’ll be here any minute,” he murmured against my lips, but it didn’t stop him from settling closer between my thighs, hands on my hips.

“Then don’t waste it.” We sank into another soul-searing kiss that had everything to do with healing in a way the doctor’s scalpel could never provide. How could I possibly hope to give this up with Jakob so close at hand?

We have a winner!


Congratulations, Raylene is the winner of a free book! It was a very close vote, and in the end we went with the blue rather than the orange because it fit the series better, but we did make some changes to it to make it stand out a bit more. What do you think? Edits are going well for Hear Me, it’s out of my hands at the moment, being worked on by my talented team.

In other news, the next book after Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down in the Forged Bloodlines series will be Release Me When the Sun Goes Down. Look for that one to come out in early May 2014.

Also, how cute is the holiday touch the Captain added to my page above? :) Happy Holidays to everyone!

Vote for cover of Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down


Happy Saturday m’lovelies! I’ve just finished the first draft of Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down, which means I get a few hours to catch up on TVD episodes and Hallmark movies and then it’s on to the editing process. The Captain’s been hard at work on the new cover and we’ve got a couple of options we’d love to get your opinion on. This cover is a bit of a departure from the other Forged Bloodlines books, but I fell in love with this pic of “Anja” and couldn’t resist trying to make it work. As incentive, I will be giving away a copy of Hear Me (or one of my other books if you prefer) the winner have a choice of an ebook or a signed print book once they’re out. To enter, just vote which cover you prefer in the comments below.

Up close and personal with Rob

Hey guys! Work on Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down is coming along well, just hit the 70K word mark last night and still going strong! I hope you guys are following me on my author page on Facebook for daily updates and teasers.

Laveda Kasch (who won the contest to become a character in the book btw) came up with a fun set of interview questions for both Rob and Bishop, and the boys had such a good time they asked me to post them here. I’ll do Rob’s this week and Bishop’s next. Also, if you leave a question or two for them in the comments, they just might answer yours as well!

Q1. What’s your favorite color?
*Let’s out a long exhale* I dunno, I never really stopped to think about it much. *Goes silent for a minute* Red. It’s definitely red.

Why red?
I have a fond memory or two of a certain girl in a red dress.

Q2. Favorite kind of music?
I ain’t a fan of most modern music, but I like a proper ballad. Nina Simone was tops, and Doris back in the day. I like music that has something to say.

Q3. Last spontaneous thing you did?
Something I shouldn’t be talking about.

Q4. How do you decompress?
How do you mean, relax? I suppose I have simple needs. A beer, a good book, a bit of telly on in the background and I’m golden.

Q5. What would be your perfect future?
There ain’t no such thing. Anyone who says differently is telling porkies.

So you don’t think if you ended up with Anja that it would be a perfect future for you?
Didn’t say that, just don’t think it’s likely to happen.

Q6. Boxers, briefs or nada?
You really asking me about my skivvies? I should ask you the same. What you got on under them jeans, yeah? *chuckles* Boxers, if you must know. Neatly pressed.

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours…
None of that, cheeky monkey…

Q7. Exactly how old are you?
I was born in 1921.

Q8. Described each other and then yourselves in 3 words or less.
Bishop – stupid, lucky bastard, bit of an idiot. More than three words, that, but you get the sentiment, yeah?
Me? I’m just me.

Q9. What is it about Anja that attracts you? Is it just her beauty?
It ain’t about how beautiful she is on the outside. You’re expecting pretty words now, ain’t you? That’s not me, mate. Ask Bishop.

Q10. What are your feelings about Jakob, especially where Anja is concerned?
Jakob’s got every right to do as he pleases with Anja. That’s all I’ll say about it.

Will you not fight for her?
*expression darkens* I can’t go against Jakob. It ain’t my life I’m worried about risking. I’d give it up in a flash if I thought… *reaches for a cigarette, finds an empty pack and crumples it back into his pocket.* I won’t risk her life for my selfish wants.

Q11. Rob, can you tell us what was going through your head when you were drinking Anja’s blood “right from the source” the first time?
*leans back, takes a pull on his beer* Thought I’d died and gone to heaven. I reckon that’s what it’s like up there. All soft and sweet and willing… It wasn’t for me though. I reckon I’ve always known that.

Q13. Rob, can you tell us what “business” you had to take care of the first time you left Anja? Or was it only because you were trying not to get to close?
I needed to get my head on straight. Can’t do my job proper if I’m not thinking clearly. Didn’t do me no good though, did it? Here I am, just as muddled as before.

Q14. Rob, did you really kill Ellie? Maybe you didn’t and she will show up later?
I did what had to be done. Ain’t likely she’ll turn up in this lifetime.

Q16. What was it like watching Anja fight Angel? What was going on in your head?
That was a rum night. Looking back I can see her strategy plain enough, but at the time… it was all I could do not to hurl m’self on the barrier every time Angel landed a blow on her. Anja showed her a thing or two though, didn’t she? *smiles, full of pride*

Q18. Do you think things will be easier or harder for Anja now that everyone knows who her creator is?
I don’t reckon she’ll have an easy time of it with Jakob out and about. He’s been forced into a different lifestyle than his choosing for some time now, I think she’ll find it… jarring when she comes to see how he is out in the world.

Q19. Rob and Bishop how do you guys feel about each other? Is there any bad blood there?
I wouldn’t say bad blood exactly. Bishop’s a good enough bloke. A straight shooter. A bit too duty bound, but I can understand that. In truth I envy him, I suppose. A chance like what Jakob gave him don’t come around very often. I’d kill for a chance like that. He had everything and he pissed it away. Come to think of it, I don’t envy him at all.
