Category Archives: Release Me When the Sun Goes Down
Cover Reveal for Release Me When the Sun Goes Down
Okay the day is getting away from me as I’m very near the end of this book, but I wanted to announce that we’ve selected this design for the cover of Release Me When the Sun Goes Down. Thanks to everyone who voted, our winner is Amanda Hartranft!
Also, how is everyone coming along on their Forged Bloodlines fan fiction for the contest? I’ve just gotten my first entry, yay! You’ve still got over half the month to complete it, so get those plot bunnies hopping!
Vote on cover art for Release Me When the Sun Goes Down
Happy Wednesday, m’lovelies! I’m deep into the first draft of Release Me When the Sun Goes Down, and normally wouldn’t mess with the cover yet, but we’re doing things a little differently this time. The Captain’s been hard at work on the new cover and my streetbots have helped us narrow it down to one design combination, but we’ve got a couple of options we’d love to get your opinion on. As incentive, I will be giving away an ebook copy of Release Me (or one of my other books if you prefer) once it’s out. To enter, just vote which cover you prefer in the comments below. Click the image to enlarge.
The Company of Darkness is out in Print!
The Company of Darkness is now out in print! So, for all you out there who prefer to hold the physical book in your hands (and it’s very pretty!), you can buy it on here.
I’m wondering if there’s a market for signed copies. Would people be interested in paying $20 (shipping included) for any of my print books?
In other news… I’m about 34K into Release Me When the Sun Goes Down and poor Anja and Co are still reeling from the haps from the last book. Don’t worry, I have a pretty good feeling that she’ll be able to dig her way out of the current mess.
How are you guys coming along with the Forged Bloodlines fanfics? You’ve still got a month to submit!
Forged Bloodlines fan fiction contest
Have you ever wanted to take the world of Forged Bloodlines out for a spin? Write yourself in there as an original character? Kill off characters you hate? Decide who Anja belongs with once and for all? Now’s your chance! I’m holding a fan fiction contest for the Forged Bloodlines series. I would like to offer prizes in multiple categories (such as most romantic, best action, snappiest dialogue, most true to character, steamiest…), but we’ll see how many entries we get. There is no minimum length and any rating is accepted.
What do you get if you win? A signed copy of Release Me When the Sun Goes Down (or you can substitute one of my others if you prefer), a $10 Amazon gift card and your choice of some Forged Bloodlines swag that’s currently only available to my Streetbots team. Anyone who enters must give me permission to post the winning entries on my blog, but I will give you full credit. It’d be extra awesome if you decide to post it on or mibba or one of the other fan fiction hubs.
This contest will run through April 30th, so you’ve got time to put something together be it a one-shot or a multi-chapter epic saga. You can set your story at any point in the Forged Bloodlines timeline, even in the future or the past and use any characters as you will. To enter, contact me through the website or through facebook pm and we’ll chat about how to submit.
What do you guys think? Is that deadline doable? I’m flexible here, so sing out if you have any questions.
The Company of Darkness is out!
My new book is out! The Company of Darkness is now available for sale on Amazon and Barnes and Noble! It’s out as an e-book for $3.99 but you don’t have to have a Kindle or Nook to read it, they have free downloadable apps so you can read it on your PC, or even your phone. It’ll be available in print as well in a few weeks through Amazon. Here is the blurb:
Cady and Ethan beat the bad guy and saved the day… or did they? Cady has been touched by evil, polluted by unbound demon blood, will she ever truly be the same? Asherik the demon is bound but not destroyed, and Ethan’s moods have taken on a distinctly darker turn since absorbing his power. Detective Lucas hasn’t left his investigation behind either, and Cady will have to use all of her wiles to throw him off the scent for his own safety. And then there’s The Company – how much will Cady come to regret showing up on their radar? There’s no mistaking Rikard’s interest, but does it stem from duty or something more personal?
In a world where demons thrive in shadows, preying on the innocent, there is one organization that stands against the enemy in the darkness. But what happens when The Company tasked with our salvation becomes corrupt with its own darkness?
Next up… Book 7 of the Forged Bloodlines series: Release Me When the Sun Goes Down
In this new book we’ll deal with the appearance of another Ellri who’s come to destroy everything Jakob holds dear – which translates into wreaking havoc on Anja’s life and all of her loved ones. We’ll find out just what this costs Rob and Mason, and how Anja manages to take her life back.