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Eve of Awakening is live!

Eve of Awakening, the first book in the Secrets of the Fallen series is live!
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Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D6L142T5
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0D6L142T5
Non Amazon Links: https://books2read.com/u/m2B6yR

I don’t know when my birthday is. That’s not the weirdest thing about me.
I don’t know what my actual name is either. That’s also not the weirdest thing about me.
We move around a lot, and each time we hit a new town, each time I go to a new school, Mom lets me pick a new name. Anything I want. We made a game of it. A new town, a new life.
Also, my mom looks the same now as she did seventeen years ago in a picture I found of her, pregnant with me. But this is also not the weirdest thing in my life.
The weirdest thing about me? Sometimes I’m invisible.
No, seriously. It happens all the time, people legit don’t see me. On the plus side, I never get called on in class, and I’ve done my share of movie theater hopping without getting busted. But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost been hit by a car, even if I wave to make sure they know I’m there before I cross. Nobody ever notices me.
So you can understand how strange it was to find myself being hunted by demons.

It turns out my whole life is a lie. Who I am, where I’m from, more importantly – what I am.
There’s a reason why Mom looks the same as she did seventeen years ago. There’s a reason why we move from place to place at the drop of a hat, never making friends or connections. Apparently, I’ve been in hiding my whole life, and I never knew it.
Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness himself, has been chasing after me because he wants to breed a new race of man with me, thanks to my angelic heritage. Ick. Even if the guy is brutally hot, just… no.
On the plus side, I have a lot of angels looking out for me, including my own guardian angel who’s sexy enough to make me want to beg for twenty-four-hour protection. Only he’s sworn me to absolute secrecy, no one can know he’s revealed himself to me or he risks being cast out of Heaven.
And then there’s Michael. I’ve been crushing on him for years, even if he only ever comes to me in dreams. I never expected to walk into my new school and find him teaching my English class. It turns out he’s real too and he’s ready to protect me at any cost – even if it hurts us both.
It’s easy to be an idiot for love, and boy, am I an idiot sometimes.

This is a sequel to The Fallen series, picking up with Mercy’s daughter, Eve, about twelve years later. Secrets of the Fallen is a completed series of two books, Eve of Awakening and Eve of Redemption, and will be better enjoyed after reading The Fallen series, starting with Angel of Mercy.
