Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down is out!
My new book is out! Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down is now available for sale on Amazon and Barnes and Noble! It’s out as an e-book for $3.99 but you don’t have to have a Kindle or Nook to read it, they have free downloadable apps so you can read it on your PC, or even your phone. It’ll be available in print as well in a few weeks through Amazon. I can’t wait for you all to read how Anja tackles her new position as Elder of the West. Check out the website for a little taste to whet your appetite. Here is the blurb:
“Me, Anja Evans, the new Elder of the West? Had I slid into an alternate dimension? What else was wonky here? Would someone bust in and announce a tornado full of sharks on the horizon in the next instant?”
Anja maintains her steady rise to power as she asserts herself as the newest vamp on the block in the world of political intrigue. Returning to England, this time as Elder of the West, to attend the first vampire Gathering held in over fifty years, she can’t wait to see friends and foes alike. Not everyone’s happy to see Anja again, but strangely enough, old enemy Simon Corley is the one who welcomes her with open arms. Will Anja find a new ally in the Warden of Vetis, or should she stop and count her fillings? Convinced she’s over Bishop, will her resolve hold once she actually sees him, or will any hope of rekindling their love fizzle as soon as he opens his mouth? And what about Rob – can he truly keep those deep feelings bottled up inside, or will they spill out, especially when Anja’s life is in danger?
Thanks to everyone who voted for the ‘Who Would You Choose?’ poll. Looks like Team Rob is definitely in the lead! I’ll be revealing some fun Forged Bloodlines merchandise soon, so keep an eye peeled for that.
Next up… Book 5 of The Fallen series: Mercy for the Fallen
It’s been three years since we last left Mercy in domestic bliss with Parker and Bunny. Can it last? Or will a certain blue-eyed angel complicate things?
Lisa, i just want to thank you for the great time i had reading this book. It was amazing and breathtaking just like the others. I´m in love with these series, the characters, the way you write…everything. The bad thing about that is that i´m soooo sad i don´t have the next book ready for meeee!
I´ve read more than 20 different series about vampires, and forged bloodlines is on my top 3 list for sure. Now, i was wondering if you could tell us how many books you´re planning on writing for this series…pls tell me its gonna be A LOT!!!
Anyway… thanks again.. kisses from Brazil!
I’m so glad you liked it! I don’t know the actual count of how many will be in the series, because I keep getting hit with new ideas, but it should be continuing for some time. I have pretty firm ideas for the next two in the series, with more general thoughts for what comes after that.
Oh thats great news! I really hope you’ll keep coming up with new ideas for Anja! I already miss her and all the other characters..
Do you have any idea when the next book is gonna be available??? I can’t wait!!
The next one, Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down, should be out early 2014. The best way to keep informed on when my new releases are out is to join the mailing list. There is a link on the main page of the website or on my facebook page.
I love this series!! I cannot wait until Here me when the sun goes down come out! Im not sure I can’t wait until next year! I’m dying!
Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I can’t wait to get back to them too. Don’t worry, the next couple of months will go by quickly!