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New Year, New Logo, New Resolutions

So I’ve had this thing for a while, sort of an inside joke about me having a robot brain at work, and my husband James came up with this logo. Isn’t it cute?

I don’t, as a rule, set New Year’s resolutions because they seem destined to fail. At the same time I am in favor of making some lifestyle changes this year and I was inspired by Mike Saxton’s success at sticking to his resolutions from last year. So, being a planner and a maker of lists, I made a new list this year of resolutions I’d like to make, so that by the end of the year, I’ve affected real change. Instead of doing them all at once, because I know I don’t have the willpower to stick to that much change, I’ll pick a new one once a month and keep adding to it cumulatively.

Then some of them are just general resolutions I’d like to incorporate into my life. Like do something I want to do each day. So many times we do things we have to do, I want to take the time to do something I want to do every day, even if it’s a small thing. I’m hoping that helps me de-stress a little from the deadlines I put on myself coupled with my stressful job. Deadlines like… I’d like to publish 4 more books in 2012.

My resolution for the month of January? Exercise 5 days a week. I’ve been doing a fairly good job of this for the past few weeks, but it’ll be good to formalize it into a solid goal.

What about you guys? What are your resolutions for the New Year?

6 Responses to New Year, New Logo, New Resolutions

  1. Mike says:

    Lisa, you can do whatever you put your mind to. Your dedication to your writing shows you have the ability to set your mind to something and do it so I have full confidence in you.

  2. Shelly says:

    Yup. Whatever we put our minds to…gets done.

  3. Randi says:

    I know that you can do anything you set your mind to, that’s how awesome you are :o )
    My new years resolution is a lot like yours…my mom and my sister and I are going to start exercising and eating better, and making sure that each of us keep it up, sort of a support group right here at home :o )
    Good luck with your goals for the new year.

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