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Pretty Witches Promo

Pretty Witches All in a Row

The continuing saga of my promotional trail continues! I have to say, trying to run a free promotion on Barnes & Noble and Amazon through setting a book to free on Smashwords was a total bust. Angel of Mercyhas been available for free there for over a month, and the other two sites have not picked up the promo at all. The websites says it can take a while for it to catch up and reflect the lower price, and chatter on the net says it takes about three weeks, but it’s been well over that, and no change. So I’m figuring the only way to do the free giveaways is through KDP select and only for 5 days in a 90 day period. Still don’t have a clue how to do a free giveaway on Barnes & Noble now. The last couple of free giveaways were hella smaller than the first one, (which was tough to top at over 22,000 books given away), so I’m not convinced that’s the way to go anymore. The exclusivity that Amazon demands for 90 days makes it a tough decision.

That brings us to my upcoming paid promotion through Kindle Nation Daily. Tomorrow an email blast goes out for Pretty Witches All in a Rowthat will hopefully generate a few sales. In anticipation of that, I’ve lowered the price temporarily to $.99 to maximize the promotion, we’ll see what happens. When I did the promotion for both Angel of Mercy and The Touch I got between 30 to 40 sales the day the email blast went out, so I’m hoping Pretty Witches does well, considering it’s my best seller.

Nine Steps to Sara is coming along well, though I always lose my perspective in the middle of it. It’s only when I get to the first read through that I have any sense of whether or not it makes sense and flows well. That said, I’m on vacation, and it was hard to stay on target yesterday! I only got about 1k of writing done instead of the 2k per day minimum, but I’m okay with that. We only take a few days off like this twice a year, so it’ll be okay if the book gets finished a few days behind schedule.

In the meantime, I’m having a wonderful time on vacation, and taking lots of pics, so I’ll be posting a blog on that later on. Happy Mother’s Day to everyone out there, I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

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