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Tell me what you want, what you really, really want

Hey Guys,

I’m waiting on my editing team to polish up the latest book, Miss Me When the Sun Goes Down, and editing Tabula Rasa, my Vampire Diaries fic for Kindle Worlds. This leaves approximately 35% of my brain available for thinking about the next book to work on. I’d planned to write the sequel to Pretty Witches All in a Row, but it occurred to me, I might want to ask folks to weigh in, see what you guys are wanting to read next. Do you want more of Nick and Annaliese or would you rather I get back to Mercy and the Fallen? Or what about some sexy demons? Or secret option number four? And since I love polls…

[poll id="3"]

10 Responses to Tell me what you want, what you really, really want

  1. Mercy.

    I mean, okay. Cady and Ethan? I’d love that.

    Anja is totally my favorite vampire lady and I will likely wish I’d voted for that, instead.

    But the cliffhangers that the Mercy books end on drive me NUTS and I need a new one.

    (bats eyes)

    • Lisa Olsen says:

      Thanks for voting, K. Anja’s my favorite character to write for too, so it’s great that she’s currently winning. Looks like I’ll probably get to Mercy after Follow Me from the way the vote is shaping up.

  2. Douglas Meeks says:

    Since I have read the Shadows book and enjoyed it, I still have to vote for the Forged Bloodlines book since I found it to be more of an addicting reading experience than the Shadows story. The problem might be also that a lot of your fans may not have gotten around the reading “The Company of Shadows” yet, but I did enjoy Ethan and Cady (as you can see below)


    • Lisa Olsen says:

      Thanks for the review for The Company of Shadows, I’m glad to hear you liked that one! There will be two more of them, so hopefully I’ll get more readers once the next one is out. But I’m happy to write another Anja one after Miss Me if that’s what people really want. :)

  3. Samantha Neal says:

    Pretty Witches was the first book of yours that I read. I fell in love with the characters and wanted more. I would to see a sequel to see where these characters go. But I’m not against more Mercy or Anja either :)

    • Lisa Olsen says:

      Thanks, Samantha. It looks like Anja wins out for now, but I absolutely have more stories to tell for Pretty Witches and Mercy, so those will be coming later in the year.

  4. Anne says:

    Hi there, oh favourite authoress of mine! You know I would vote for all of them right??! Not least cos I hassle you almost daily! (Hey, who needs a life – go get writing!) LOL

    Can I put a bid in for a future sequel to Moonsong? Kind of really enjoyed those feisty werewolves.. no pressure, though – tomorrow is cool! HUGS, Anne

  5. Colleen O'Neill Schleich says:

    Hello, I just finished your latest Vampire Diaries book,and it was great! I was sorry when the book ended because I enjoyed it so much. I’m writing you because I would like to ask you to please continue to write more V.D. books.

    From a big fan

    • Lisa Olsen says:

      Thanks so much, Colleen, and thanks for the great review! Have you read the Tabula Rasa book? I have a couple of TVD ideas to work through if I can find the time, but I can’t promise when they’ll be out.

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