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Vote on cover art for Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down

Hey guys, it’s time to give your input on which cover art you like better for Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down. Not too much difference between the two except for how close the girl is in the pic. So, sound off with your opinion in the comments section and it automatically enters you in a drawing for a free copy of the new book. I’ll leave it up to you whether you’d prefer to have the ebook copy (which will be ready a lot faster) or a signed print copy (which will be a lot prettier).

So, let’s hear it – which cover do you prefer? The one on the left or the one on the right?

23 Responses to Vote on cover art for Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down

  1. Heiko says:

    I prefer the right one.

  2. Amber says:

    The one on the right!!!

  3. shauni says:

    I think the left one as it looks like she is going ahead and really wants you to follow her

  4. brandy smith says:

    One on left

  5. Seleana says:

    The one on the left.

  6. Kayla says:

    One on the right.

  7. Kayla says:

    Right one

  8. Randi Pandi says:

    The left one, it seems more fitting with the Follow Me part of the title…like she’s waiting on you to catch up

  9. Jocelynn says:

    The one on the left! Like others have said, it fits with the title…plus it sticks with the general theme from the other book covers in the series since the figures were all further away in those. Except for book 1 :)

  10. Pat N says:

    I vote for the cover on the left it fits with the rest of the covers, excluding the first book, which was very up close. Also, as others have mentioned she appears to be waiting for us to follow her.

  11. Otopae says:

    I also prefer the left one, for the same reasons.

  12. Weird Vision says:

    As a stand alone I would say right, but considering the rest of the series I’ll have to go for the one on the left.

  13. Malinda says:

    I think the one on the left, in keeping in tune with the other books.

  14. Christopher says:

    The right one. Definitely. (I mean it is the right choice after all. :) )

  15. Vikki Vale says:

    Leaning strongly towards the one on the left. Not so much the same reason as the ones listed above – but more so as we have gratefully followed this amazing series – and it simply signifies (more or less) one final time to catch up & follow Anja, experiencing her twists/turns/feeling/emotions and morality before she is no longer a part of our lives as we are no longer sharing hers. Could be too deep a thought, but that’s how I see that cover – following until she is, sadly, out of sight.

  16. Ashley B says:

    The left one

  17. Ashley says:

    I love the one on the left. The other covers in the series to me have a theme. Anja alone. Which is partly true. But someone is always close by watching her (Rob, Bishop…blah blah). Yes, they are identical covers but the perspective gives it a twist. I feel more anticipation looking at the cover on the left. I’ll explain. It gives off vibes that someone is following her or watching over her..but from far away. Maybe even longingly or..with what intent? This is a pivotal time for her especially with what has unfolded for the little vamp in the last book. Who knows. Anja looks so alone. She’s not quite over Bishop…but then there is Rob. Who should she choose? I think the cover on the left is deeper just from the perspective with “Anja” being further away in the gloomy forest which could possibly be parallel to her feelings? Plus it gives a “being stalked/ predator-prey” vibe. OH MY GOD this is the longest comment ever. Bleh!

  18. Lady Bex says:

    I think I like the one on the left. It seems like she’s further away, like she’s waiting for us to follow her. Very beautiful artwork, very ethereal.

  19. Leigh says:

    I would definitely go with the one on the LEFT :)

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